Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Shelter Me.

A door
A window
A roof
A fireplace for warmth and walls to cut the wind.

The small tenant houses pictured are, I hope, still standing in Waverly, Alabama.. I passed them so many times on my drive from Mississippi to Auburn, Alabama when I was in college.  I loved their honest form and although I know little about their history, I can only assume that their inhabitants hoped for more, but were most likely also thankful for the simple shelter provided by each structure. 

I am not sure if my interest in the small dwelling started with the Waverly shelters or if it started when I was very young and spent time in the woods building structures out of cut bamboo and string or from the memories I have playing in the small house out back (which I have recently been told was actually a camper trailer that my Father parked on the hill behind our house) ~ that was a surprise.  

Here are a few of my recent shelter pieces.  The first, Silent Night,  is watercolor/pencil.  the second is a block print.  The last image is a concept sketch of a piece I will post soon. Enjoy~

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! I love how you pull all those elements together. I love those little houses, too. They remind me of William Christenberry's photos...
